
Life is the first among all rights— “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness”. I am Pro-Life from conception to natural death.

I will be a strong and unwavering voice for LIFE in the U.S. House of Representatives at this most critical time. Traditional families are the most fundamental units of ‘government’. Strong families lead to strong communities and a strong nation. Let’s work together to reduce unwanted pregnancies and focus on valuing families and children. We must lovingly change hearts and minds toward the respect and value of LIFE.

I value the protection of rights. The 2nd Amendment is non-negotiable. The People are the repository of this Right.

I am a strong proponent of the Un-infringeable nature of the Second Amendment. It is the essential bulwark with which all our other rights are guaranteed. The Second Amendment is the necessary prophylactic that prevents unwanted government tyranny.

I value access to quality educational opportunities for all children in America. Therefore, I support Parental Rights in Education. Parents and guardians are the first, and, the primary teachers in every child’s life.

As stated in MCL 380.10 here in Michigan— “It is the natural, fundamental right of parents and legal guardians to determine and direct the care, teaching, and education of their children.” And, “The public schools of this state serve the needs of the pupils by cooperating with the pupil’s parents and legal guardians to develop the pupil’s intellectual capabilities and vocational skills in a safe and positive environment.” Any federal education policy must secure this right nationally.

I will advocate for the swift reduction and rapid elimination of the Federal Department of Education and the return to full state and local control. These dollars are best utilized with local control, not bureaucrats in D.C.

Our ‘Healthcare’ system has become ‘Sick-care’. I value True Healthcare.

More focus and resources should be available for more holistic approaches and preventative medicine, including mental health. This should be done through a free market approach.

I support Bodily Sovereignty—No person should be forced to undergo any medical treatment or procedure to travel, to work, or to engage in commerce. No person should be required to carry ‘papers’ or a vaccination passport. Forced medical procedures and vaccine passports are antithetical to liberty and un-American. Abdication of our bodily sovereignty to bureaucrats and tyrants CANNOT be acceptable or expected to end well.

I value free and fair commerce. Business goes where it is welcome and stays where in is appreciated.

Let’s get government out of the way by reducing overburdensome regulations and bureaucracy. We must foster an environment that promotes American jobs for American workers building America products. Let’s return America to authentic prosperity.

Taxes on American families and businesses are obscene. Decades of unchecked government excesses have hurt American families and stifled American potential in innovation and in production in business.

I value accountability and fiscal responsibility in taxation policy. We need taxation policy that focuses on keeping MORE of your hard-earned dollars in your pocket and LESS going to waste in Washington D.C.

I value National Sovereignty and National Security.

Our Borders—A nation that does not have control of its borders has abrogated its sovereignty. It is dangerously unacceptable to have unchecked illegal immigration which disguises drug trafficking, human and child trafficking, and terrorists crossing an abandoned border. This is a National Security issue more important than current wars in Europe.

Our Armed Forces—The purpose of our military is to kill the enemy and destroy their capacity to harm us should the need arise. The men & women of our Armed Forces guarantee the American way of life in the global environment filled with despots, terrorists, and enemies of our nation. As such we should never settle for a military less than the world’s best, with the best trained and equipped branches.

Our Armed Forces should never serve as a social justice or ‘wokeness’ project.