Why I Am Running

The First Principle & Purpose of Representative Government is to secure and protect the Rights of the Governed. Historically our elected representatives, like the current incumbent Rashida Tlaib, have been doing an abysmal job protecting our rights. Since the onset of Covid their failures in this purpose have been increasing at an alarming pace. Our liberties have been under attack. The politicians who aren’t actively attacking our liberties, are failing in preventing these attacks! THIS MUST STOP.

Who Am I?

  • A Liberty Minded Conservative Republican. I am the only vetted Conservative or Republican in this race. I am a precinct delegate.
  • A Wayne County Chairman who has successfully recruited Grassroots Patriots to serve on the Wayne 11th Congressional District Republican Committee.
  • A Blue-Collar Republican who grew up on the Eastside of Detroit. I worked for many years in Eastern Market starting at night while still in high school. Later I shifted into the building trades where I worked for many years. I have served overseas in the mission field with Samaritan’s Purse in Liberia, West Africa leading a team of Liberian nationals and international mission teams rebuilding The African Bible College University (ABCU), and then later with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) helping to bring a Franklin Graham Festival to Liberia. Still later I managed a Water Sanitation, Hygiene (WATSAN) program for Samaritan’s Purse in a remote Liberian border area near Cote d’Ivoire. After returning from the mission field, I served as my mother’s primary, then full time caregiver as she battled and eventually passed from Alzheimer’s.
  • Unapologetically PRO-LIFE from conception to natural death. I’ve stood shoulder to shoulder with other Pro-Life advocates time and time again. I will be a strong and relentless voice for LIFE in the U.S. House of Representatives at this most critical time. We must lovingly change hearts and minds toward the respect and value of LIFE—The first of all rights.
  • A STRONG Proponent of the Un-infringeable nature of the 2nd Amendment. The 2A is the necessary bulwark with which all our other Rights are guaranteed. The Second Amendment is the necessary prophylactic that prevents unwanted government tyranny.
  • Unapologetically Pro AMERICA FIRST. We must unleash the product of American Exceptionalism once again. We must once again be the Arsenal of Democracy in Innovation, in Production Capacity, and, in Personal Liberty.
  • Unapologetically a Conservative Christian Believer.

I Believe

  • That the 2020 election was hijacked. I was at TCF all day and evening on Wednesday, November 4, 2020. I was on the floor when Republicans were locked out and cardboard was put over the windows. I was a plaintiff on the Sidney Powell lawsuit because it was my duty as a county chair, a as precinct delegate, and as a Patriot. I also was among a select group that delivered copies of thousands upon thousands of affidavits to Michigan Senate Leader Mike Shirkey’s office requesting an honest investigation into election fraud evidence in the 2020 election in Michigan. Election Integrity is a National Security issue that we cannot compromise.
  • In Bodily Sovereignty—No person should be forced to undergo any medical procedure to travel, to work, or to engage in commerce. No person should be required to carry ‘papers’ or a vaccination passport. Forced medical procedures and vaccine passports are antithetical to liberty and un-American. Abdication of our bodily sovereignty to tyrants; giving them authority to dictate medical procedures CANNOT be acceptable or expected to end well. Doing so means we are reduced to chattel.
  • In Parental Rights in Education—Parents & Guardians are the first, and, the primary teachers in every child’s life.
  • “It is the natural, fundamental right of parents and legal guardians to determine and direct the care, teaching, and education of their children.” And, “The public schools of this state serve the needs of the pupils by cooperating with the pupil’s parents and legal guardians to develop the pupil’s intellectual capabilities and vocational skills in a safe and positive environment”—As stated in MCL 380.10 here in Michigan.
  • Traditional families are the most fundamental units of ‘government’. Strong families lead to a strong nation.
  • In the continued reduction and eventual elimination of the Federal Department of Education and the return to full state & local control. This is way past due.
  • That parents should choose the best educational delivery model for their children: Traditional Public School, Private School, Charter School, Home schooling, or any combination thereof.
  • In fighting against Tyranny—I’ve stood against Gretchen Whitmer’s brand of tyranny and administrative overreach since the beginning. I participated in multiple protests both locally and in Lansing.