Meet James
James Hooper is a liberty-minded conservative Republican. He is the only vetted conservative Republican in the race. James serves as the Wayne County Chairman and has successfully recruited grassroots patriots to serve on the Wayne 11th Congressional District Republican Committee.
As a blue-collar Republican, James grew up on the east side of Detroit. He worked for many years in Eastern Market. Later he shifted into the building trades. James has served overseas in the mission field with Samaritan’s Purse in Liberia, West Africa leading a team of Liberian nationals and international mission teams rebuilding The African Bible College University (ABCU), and then later with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) helping to bring a Franklin Graham Festival to Liberia.

Hooper managed a Water Sanitation, Hygiene (WATSAN) program for Samaritan’s Purse in a remote Liberian border area near Cote d’Ivoire. After returning from the mission field, James served as his mother’s primary, then full-time, caregiver as she battled and eventually passed from Alzheimer’s.
We must lovingly change hearts and minds toward the respect and value of LIFE—The first of all rights.
– James Hooper
James Hooper is unapologetically PRO-LIFE from conception to natural death. He has stood shoulder-to-shoulder with other Pro-Life advocates, and will continue to be a strong and relentless voice for LIFE in the U.S. House of Representatives at this most critical time.